R.I.P. Howard Ziehm: Mona… (and marijuana, music, and M.I.T.) – Podcast Reprise

R.I.P. Howard Ziehm: Mona… (and marijuana, music, and M.I.T.) – Podcast Reprise

Howard Ziehm, the pioneering adult film director, theater owner, author, polymath, and friend of The Rialto Report died last week in California.

Over the years, I visited Howard on several occasions at his beautiful hill-top house in Malibu in California – “It’s the home that porn built”, he would joke. And he was right: Howard had enjoyed a long career making and exhibiting adult films, and in his last years, he enjoyed a happy, comfortable, and well-deserved retirement.

Ten years ago, he even wrote a lengthy autobiography, ‘Take Your Shame and Shove It: My Wild Journey Through the Mysterious Sexual Cosmos’ in which he told the eventful and entertaining story of his life.

The irony was that when I met up with him, we ended up talking about everything except his adult film past: he always wanted to show me his collection of classic cartoons depicting golf scenes – he’d published a book of favorites which featured a foreword by Bob Hope, and I wanted to talk about his experience playing music and managing folk clubs in heyday of the 1960s. Not that Howard was stuck in the past – quite the opposite: he was keen to talk about politics, culture, and technology innovations.

On one of the last times that I saw him, I asked him what he thought about the state of the adult film industry today, and the new developments in AI,   streaming porn, webcams, cam girls, and live interactive sites like Chaturbate. He was enthusiastic: “These instant, intimate interactions are like going back to the beginning of the sex film business,” he said. “Except that now you can enjoy it all in your own home.”

I asked him if he ever logged on to any of these sites.

“Of course, I do!” he laughed. “Every day! Except I don’t like to pay. After everything I’ve done to help create this adult film industry over many decades, after all the risks I took and the court cases I had to fight, I figure… I should get some things for free, right?”

This episode’s running time is 102 minutes.


Original introduction to the Howard Ziehm podcast

Make no mistakes about it, Howard Ziehm is one of the people who invented the adult film industry.

He was there taking still photos for adult bookstores in the 1960s – when the most you could reveal was a girl in her underwear. He made some of the first color loops – when all you could show was the subject writhing on a mattress by herself.

And then in 1970, as the market finally demanded hardcore, he made the groundbreaking ‘Mona: The Virgin Nymph’.

Time magazine called it the ‘The Jazz Singer’ (1927) of fuck films. Variety called it “the long-awaited link between the stag loops and conventional theatrical fare” and it was listed it their annual Top 50 grossing films – the first pornographic film to feature. And it was the first nationally released 35mm adult feature film to play in actual movie theaters.

In short, it was the blueprint for the 1970s porno chic hits that followed.

Howard went onto make many more adult films over the next decade, including ‘Flesh Gordon’ (1974), a science fiction adventure comedy erotic spoof of the Flash Gordon serials from the 1930s.

So who was the mysterious Howard Ziehm behind these films?

Fortunately he’s finally completed his autobiography which The Rialto Report is assisting Howard to publish shortly. And it’s a hell of read. It’s a huge, entertaining, and riveting book that names names, settles scores, and tells truths. It’s also one of the best biographies you’ll read about anyone in the film industry.

And it turns out here was someone who was going to be a theoretical physicist, owned one of the most successful clubs of the 1960s folk scene, worked as a nude model, had a drug running scheme importing marijuana across the border into the US, played guitar in a Los Angeles band called Father Plotsky and the Umbilical Cord – and all that before he ever even thought of making a porn film.

Today we’re joined by Howard Ziehm to talk about his surprising life leading up to the film ‘Flesh Gordon’. It’s quite a ride.


‘The Virgin Runaway’ (1970) (directed by Howard Ziehm)

Howard Ziehm, Virgin Runaway

Howard Ziehm, Virgin Runaway

‘Hollywood Blue’ (1970)

Hollywood Blue, Howard Ziehm, Bill OscoJapanese one sheet for ‘Hollywood Blue’ (1970)


Hollywood Blue, Howard Ziehm, Bill Osco

 ‘Mona’ (1970)

Mona, Howard Ziehm, Bill Osco

 ‘Harlot’ (1971)

Harlot, Howard Ziehm, Bill OscoNewspaper ad for ‘Harlot’ (1971) (using an alternative name)


Harlot, Howard Ziehm, Bill OscoNewspaper ad for ‘Harlot’ (1971) (using an alternative name)

 Beverley Cinema

Beverly Cinema, Howard Ziehm, Bill Osco



  • Posted On: 1st September 2024
  • By: Ashley West
  • Under: Podcasts


  1. Jeff Robertson · September 1, 2024 Reply

    Awesome Article Keep Up Good Work

    • David Moser · February 22, 2025 Reply

      My mother passed away in 2021, and about the funniest story she ever told me was the time she went and saw Flesh Gordon, thinking it was a Flash Gordon remake.She walked out early when she realized it was an x-rated movie. I saw it later, and told her I thought it was pretty good. Mom wasnt amused.

  2. Mykola Mick Dementiuk · September 2, 2024 Reply

    I saw Flesh Gordon when it came out in the 1970s, too stoned to remember anything about it, but I do recall the kinky title Flesh, that’s stayed with me for decades.

  3. Splooge Gainsbourg · September 2, 2024 Reply

    How sad – but what timing!!! I understand that the Christian Genzel documentary about Howard Ziehm’s life, “Finding Planet Porno: The Wild Journey of American Cinema’s First Outlaw” (cf. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7228518/ ) will imminently debut at film festivals. Learn more about it at https://www.facebook.com/PlanetPornDoc

  4. MK · September 3, 2024 Reply

    I’ve been fascinated with Hollywood Blue since seeing the trailer for it on The Subject is Sex DVD. Does anyone know if it’s available? I recall someone saying online that it’s likely lost, but that was 10+ years ago.

  5. AJ · September 10, 2024 Reply

    That ad for Harlot showing at the Empress Theatre…that’s from a Tucson newspaper, I believe! The Empress was on Speedway Blvd, so local porno theatre makes good. Although it’s been gone since 2004, I believe.

  6. Brimack · September 15, 2024 Reply

    I first saw Flesh Gordon on late night cable tv when i was a teenager with my mom! LOL, it was pretty tame, we just thought it was a hilarious comedy

    • Seymore · September 22, 2024 Reply

      I wonder if the government still has all the “lost” Flesh Gordon footage after all this time…

      • Max T. · October 6, 2024 Reply

        I got to the Rialto party late – about 8 years late. But that was kind of cool because it was like discovering a goldmine of material I couldn’t have dreamed anyone cared about as much as I do. And furthermore, I wouldn’t have imagined that anyone would have the means, the wherewithal, and the time to actually make it happen! So, I love Rialto Report fiercely, and I tell more people than want to hear about it, about it. Regardless of how late I might have been, I have listened to every single one of these recordings at least once, and many, so many times that I’ve lost count of. It’s such a pleasure to listen back to this again! It holds up as worthily as anything you guys have ever created. Rest in peace, Howard – for you lived a such a dynamic life, that its retelling inspires a gentle envy.

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