Thanksgiving holiday, with John Holmes, Jennifer Jordan, and ‘Sweet Punkin’ (1976)

Thanksgiving holiday, with John Holmes, Jennifer Jordan, and ‘Sweet Punkin’ (1976)

“What was the strangest holiday you ever had?” I once asked adult film actress Jennifer Jordan.

“Thanksgiving weekend in 1975,” she replied instantly.

“Tell me,” I inquired.

“I was out on Long Island being filmed making a large penis out of clay with John Holmes and Tony Perez – two of the most freakishly-endowed men that ever lived, for a Roberta Findlay film called ‘Sweet Punkin’ I Love You…. (1976). Is that strange enough for you?”

The Rialto Report recent found rare stills taken on the set that day.

Happy Memorial Day holiday weekend.


Sweet Punkin(l-r) John Holmes, Tony Perez, Jennifer Jordan on set of ‘Sweet Punkin’

Sweet Punkin

Sweet Punkin

Sweet Punkin

Sweet Punkin

Sweet Punkin

John Holmes

John Holmes

John Holmes

Sweet Punkin

John Holmes

Sweet Punkin

Jennifer Jordan

Sweet Punkin


  • Posted On: 26th May 2024
  • By: Ashley West
  • Under: Articles


  1. Alan Buxton · May 26, 2024 Reply

    Happy holiday RR! The finest site on the internet…. I love you !!

  2. Rick · May 26, 2024 Reply

    A long time ago, I was an extra on a (non-porn) movie. What I remember most was the WAITING. You just stood around looking at everything. Everyone looked vacant. Everyone was slightly bored. This set of pictures perfectly captures what that was all about!

  3. Chris · May 26, 2024 Reply

    John Holmes was so homely. Ha ha

    • J. Walter Puppybreath · May 27, 2024 Reply

      When he started out, with short hair, he looked like he could actually contribute to society. That didn’t last long. Just ask the 4 late residents of Wonderland Avenue.

  4. ken · May 26, 2024 Reply

    …but Jennifer is a beauty. Thanks again!

  5. Greg · May 27, 2024 Reply

    These are great.

  6. CTC · May 27, 2024 Reply

    I’d really like to know Tony “The Hook” Perez’s full story. Ms. Jordan mentioned a bit about him in her RP interview, but he remains somewhat of an enigmatic figure. Such “flash in the pan” and peripheral figures usually end up having interesting stories.

  7. J. Walter Puppybreath · May 27, 2024 Reply

    Photos that are both fascinating and disturbing at the same time…”Salute, Don Corleone”.

    As the film was called ‘Sweet Pun’kin’, shouldn’t this be a Halloween tradition?

  8. Jeff Robertson · June 2, 2024 Reply

    I Like John Holmes And Peter North Greatest Actor Iconic Pop Culture Keep Up Good Work

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