R.I.P. Candy Samples (1928 - 2019) - The Rialto Report

R.I.P. Candy Samples (1928 – 2019)

R.I.P. Candy Samples (1928 – 2019)

Candy Samples, who enjoyed a long career as a hugely popular buxom model in men’s magazines and as an actress in adult films, passed away this week.

She was 91.

Candy Samples was one of the true larger than life figures that lit up the early adult industry: she appeared in cult movies such as Russ Meyer‘s Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens (1979) (where she was ‘The Very Big Blonde’) and Up! (1976), and also Flesh Gordon (1974), Fantasm (1976), Deep Jaws (1976), and The Best Little Whorehouse in San Francisco (1985), as well as tens of loops – to name but a few.

She was in black and white cheesecake photo sets from the late 1960s, thousands of magazines, and scores of films – from softcore to hardcore, from loops to catfight wrestling shorts.

She had a mischievous, friendly look that stood out from all the other models. She often played the roles of older women that somehow looked like your mother’s naughty friend, exuding a mysterious sex appeal.

And then there were her breasts. With her formidable physique, she looked like an Amazonian queen; fit, tanned, and invincible. Her staggering physique made her an instant favorite, and for many years she toured as an exotic dancer. Somehow she just seemed to get more popular with age, and she developed a huge following that endured right through to her retirement in the late 1980s – and even today her magazine spreads exchange hands for elevated prices.

After she retired, she remained active – writing columns in the 1990s for magazines like Juggs. And she had an online fan club where she would have chat sessions with fans.

When we started The Rialto Report, we knew we wanted to interview her. We figured that as she’d been active in the industry for almost 40 years it wouldn’t be difficult to find her. We figured wrong.

She’d disappeared from public view, changing her name on multiple occasions (she was rumored to have married eight times), and we spent years trying to track her down.

After leaving messages for her with scores of people, we got a call from a person one day who told us that Candy was living with him.

We packed our bags, and went to meet her.

Our podcast tells the story of what happened next.

We are indebted to GH and KB for their kind assistance in putting this feature together.

This podcast is 45 minutes long.

The musical playlist for this episode can be found on Spotify.


Candy Samples – The Early Years

Candy SamplesCandy Samples (February 1965)


Candy SamplesEarly modeling show (1966)


Candy SamplesCandy (second from left) in early modeling assignment (1967)


Candy Samples

Early Modeling

Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples

Candy and Uschi

When The Rialto Report interviewed Candy Samples, her fondest memories were reserved for her friendship with Uschi Digard.


Uschi Digard


Candy Samples


Uschi Digart


Uschi Digard

Fetish Photos (1979)

Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples

Dancing across the country

Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples

Life with Pat Romano

In the early 1980s, Candy’s career was managed by ‘Pat Romano‘. The relationship didn’t end well, and Pat later died in jail where he was serving time for drug dealing.

Pat Romano


Pat Romano


Candy Samples


Pat Romano

Private Sessions

Candy would sometimes pose for private photographic sessions for fans, who she encountered when dancing in clubs around the country.

Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples

Personal Appearances

Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy SamplesA rare photo of Candy with Russ Meyer at a convention.


Candy Samples


Candy Samples

Vacations and Traveling

Candy SamplesLondon (1981)


Candy SamplesAustria (1981)


Candy Samples


Candy SamplesVenice (1986)


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy SamplesCancun (1988)


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples’ scrapbooks

Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


The Rialto Report interview

Candy SamplesCandy Samples recording The Rialto Report interview with April Hall


Candy Samples


Candy Samples


Candy SamplesCandy Samples with The Rialto Report’s April Hall




  1. Graham Hill · September 29, 2019 Reply

    Like JULIET ‘AUNT PEG” ANDERSON, another adult star and movies goddess has left us…

    CANDY SAMPLES was a pioneer way before Juliet, but the one other thing they both shared besides the sexy assets and sexy attitudes, was that they both truly enjoyed what they did and it showed!

    They enjoyed their many fans, and they really knew how to tease and delight them.

    CANDY excelled with soft-core porn and then out of necessity and to stay a headliner moved later into hardcore.

    She was a true original who like so many other performers never ended up in the money. Used and abused by an industry that made millions off of her and will continue to do so…

    • BUCK I NUTT · September 30, 2019 Reply

      WOW!! Haven’t listened to interview but what a truly amazing beautiful woman in all those wonderful photos. Truly a legend. RIP Candy.

    • Johnson Michaels · October 4, 2019 Reply

      Graham: To be clear, Candy’s earliest work was hardcore loops around 1971-72. She then segued into softcore and non-sex roles until 1984 when she returned to hardcore for the rest of her career.

    • Phil · November 15, 2021 Reply

      So sad I miss candy wish I could have met her beautiful lady

      • Toni · June 7, 2022 Reply

        I met her at Show World Center on 42nd Stin NYC where she was a feature performer upstairs in the Triple Treat Theater. I worked downstairs in the Peep Show as a booth girl. Although we never had interactions with the porn stars that did shows upstairs one day she was walking past and I impulsively said hello….she stopped and asked me about what we were doing…about the booths and all manner of things…we talked for 15 minutes…she was so delightful….a warm and a gracious lady. She told me I was gorgeous and that she hoped to run into me again. At the time I had no idea who she was and found out later…this was in the late eighties. May she Rest in Eternal Peace

    • Joe barlow · April 17, 2023 Reply

      Rip to the very woman who sparked and maintained the love of breasts!
      She was my dream woman from the first time I saw her.
      Sad day to a genuine legend.

    • Elmer · April 21, 2024 Reply

      She was a true Legend, was was know as very caring person to her fans , there will never be another Candy Samples, we miss you very much Dear.

  2. david fullam · September 29, 2019 Reply

    The legend. May she rest in Peace.

  3. Jeffrey Zandrowicz · September 29, 2019 Reply

    Super sorry to hear of her passing. 91 years is impressive, seems she lived a great life.
    Great piece on her and the podcast 🙂

    • April Hall · October 5, 2019 Reply

      Thank you Jeffrey!

    • JOSEPH ANTHONY · March 21, 2022 Reply

      May your light shine infinitely and resplendent Candy Goddess of love and sexuality, I Will always carry you inside my heart, like an indelible mark and I Will continue to love you forever with all my soul; go where you go Candy Goddess of love and sexuality. I Will love you forever in memory. Well, I Will never forget you.

  4. Graham Hill · September 29, 2019 Reply

    Why has my tribute comment to CANDY been swiftly deleted?

    • CHRISTOPHER · March 9, 2021 Reply

      She was and always will be my favorite! She had that classy burlesque glamour and style! The first MILF!!

  5. Conrad · September 29, 2019 Reply

    Awesome tribute and interview ! I’ve been a Candy fan since my years as a teen-age pervert in the 1970s. Her Super 8mm wrestling films for Triumph Studios are unequaled(as are all of Triumph’s Super 8mm)! Rest in peace,Candy.😞

  6. Tony Gee · September 29, 2019 Reply

    To think that without the Rialto Report we’d never even have heard what happened to Candy……..

    Thank you – this brought a tear to my eye.

    • pornytude · October 2, 2019 Reply

      The news was on AVN.com too…

      • Fact Checker · October 2, 2019 Reply

        Dear pornytude,

        The news was only on AVN because they saw the announcement on Rialto Report first. AVN then interviewed the Rialto guys for their obit.

        So Tony Gee is correct. Without the Rialto Report you would NOT have this news.

      • Bluster Blaster · October 2, 2019 Reply

        Well said Fact Checker.

        The AVN obituary even credits the Rialto Report as being the source of the information!

        • Joseph · March 21, 2022 Reply

          Que tu luz brille de forma infinita y resplandeciente Diosa del amor, siempre te llevaré dentro de mi corazón, como una huella indeleble y te seguiré amando por siempre con toda mi alma; vaya a donde vaya Diosa del amor. Te amo por siempre.

    • April Hall · October 5, 2019 Reply

      Thank you Tony!

    • Santiago Cuellar · August 6, 2020 Reply

      The best she was n the best she will ever be

  7. JK · September 29, 2019 Reply

    Candy was a product of a different time, a truly towering figure in the soft core world of magazines/films.

    Sadly we’ll never see the likes of her again.

    I love Candy.

  8. J. Walter Puppybreath · September 29, 2019 Reply

    Candy, along with Uschi, embodied the swingin’ 70’s like few others.

  9. TIMOTHY CRAWFORD · September 29, 2019 Reply

    Incredibly touching. Deftly handled and so sweet.

  10. Randy Veale · September 29, 2019 Reply

    I remember meeting Candy in person at the Little X theatre in Baltimore during the 1980’s, she is a very Classy lady.

    • Bigsplash · October 5, 2019 Reply

      I enjoy all of the interviews, but this seems even more special. Bravo, well done, a gentle interview with a gentle woman. I think Candy even enjoyed it.

      One vintage star I have a burning curiosity for is Virginia Winters, she starred in “the liberation of honey doll Jones” and SWEDISH EROTICA’S ‘ THE INVITATION, with John Holmes. I haven’t seen or read much about her.
      Please put her on your probably long to do list.

      • Mike Martie · March 6, 2021 Reply

        I always enjoyed her movies and wish she could have made the money she justly deserved. To me dancing and porn is entertainment that takes a talent and she was so talented. Wish I could have met her as I’m sure she was a wonderful human being. Love you Candy.RIP

  11. Ed McGrogan · September 29, 2019 Reply

    Have been a Candy Samples fan for many, many years — and was saddened to hear of her passing. I truly treasure the polaroid photo I have of Candy and I taken at a local establishment. She was a fantasy-come-true —- who’ll likely never be replaced. Rest in Peace Sweetheart !

    • Patty Plenty · January 5, 2023 Reply

      I use to follow Candy in and out of nightclubs. She was always full makeup looking beautiful at 8 am. I meet her one morning in the Buffalo airport. So pretty she was.
      Love & Lust, Patty Plenty

  12. Graham Hill · September 29, 2019 Reply

    It took a while for the COMMENTS to register -glad they’re all back!

  13. dc · September 29, 2019 Reply

    So many great photos, but I LOVE the one with April interviewing her. Just as I imagined.
    Rialto does such amazing work. Candy had a full life it seems. Ups and downs. I hope she is at peace.
    Thank you for letting us know about her passing

  14. Mykole Mick Dementiuk · September 30, 2019 Reply

    Her, and Uschi Diggad. I must’ve spent hours jerking off staring at her pictures or in Times Square porno theaters drooling and rubbing myself in the seats. Man, what a big titted woman! My ideal, RIP.

  15. david fullam · September 30, 2019 Reply

    Alzheimer’s claimed my father. It is a horrible, HORRIBLE disease. Breaks my heart to hear she suffered from this. May she rest in peace.

  16. Brian · September 30, 2019 Reply

    I feel like there’s been a death in my family. She was my first fantasy girl. First woman I ever saw naked! A buddy had snuck an 8mm porn movie mail order package from his dad and brought it to school. Inside was a featured add for the All Stars of Sex featuring John Holmes and Candy Samples. She was amazing! I always had an attraction to older women and I’m sure it’s always been as a result. R.I.P. Candy, and thank you for being the lovely person you were inside and out.

  17. Paul · September 30, 2019 Reply

    Oh, I am so sad to hear this news and I checked your site for fear that something my have happened to our dear and beloved, Candy. I have always felt connected to her and my feelings were right.

    Candy is someone that I have adored since I was in my late teens and no one has ever come close to her in comparison as a woman in any way. She was everything I could ever hope for. Besides following Candy in all her magazine appearances, I had the pleasure to meet her and she was more sweet than I could have imagined. She had a twinkle in her eyes, a beautiful smile, and she loved to laugh.

    I want to thank the Rialto Report, and especially April, for her wonderful interview. She was so kind, caring, and sensitive in consideration of Candy’s condition. To indulge my intuition, I listened to the interview again just a week ago and it made me happy to hear Candy laugh and it was touching to hear her tell April “I like you”. It gave me peace to know that she was content with herself.

    I love you Candy and I know your wish was to be closer to God. 🌹

    • April Hall · October 5, 2019 Reply

      Paul – one follow up which wasn’t clear in the podcast. When Candy said ‘I like you’ she was saying it to a magazine photo of her younger self. It was a beautiful moment with a beautiful soul. Thank you for listening!

      • J. Walter Puppybreath · October 6, 2019 Reply

        Thank you for clarifying, April. Most touching.

      • Paul · October 6, 2019 Reply

        April … you made her happy and it was so wonderful to hear. Thank you for your kindness and compassion.

        I also want to thank her caretaker, John, for protecting and caring for Candy when she was most vulnerable. He was her angel in a time of need, and I respect and admire what he did for her. Even when I wanted to send her flowers, he declined but I understood why. ❤️

  18. Gregg Luongo · September 30, 2019 Reply

    May Miss Samples have Eternal rest in Heaven!! With all The Angels and Saints!!And May They Welcome !did Samples with the love She Truly Deserves!!

  19. Oren Nayler · September 30, 2019 Reply

    Incidentally, I just finished watching, “All The Way In”, and I am sadden that Candy Samples had passed away. She was a legend. The “Gilf” of her time before the word became a search term in various adult websites. She will be deeply missed.

  20. please insert a name here · October 2, 2019 Reply

    I admit to being not much of a big boobs guy but she is beautiful! There are have been literally tons of boobs but those just might be the best ever. A previous commenter stated that she was GILF way before that was cool and I would have to agree.
    I love how RR chronicles the pioneers, those who were decades ahead of the herd. These are the people who make the positive changes in the world.

    • April Hall · October 5, 2019 Reply

      Thank you PINH!

      • Mike Martie · March 6, 2021 Reply

        I always enjoyed her movies and wish she could have made the money she justly deserved. To me dancing and porn is entertainment that takes a talent and she was so talented. Wish I could have met her as I’m sure she was a wonderful human being. Love you Candy.RIP

    • Daniel evans · July 9, 2020 Reply

      It was 1985 and I would always sneak the videos my dad had. My favorite was All The Way In! I fell in love with Candy all the way into my 30’s! Always liked older busty older busty women since. I have known that she’s been alive. I thought she was an amazing woman. R.I.P. Sweetie. You made quite an impression on me!😊
      Thanks RR!

  21. A friend · October 4, 2019 Reply

    Thank you

  22. Krho · October 5, 2019 Reply

    I thank you for this inspiring anecdote of a special woman!
    It was much appreciated and I, along with others, I’m sure, wish her peace.

    • April Hall · October 8, 2019 Reply

      Thank you krho!

      • todd bates · June 7, 2021 Reply

        that was a beautiful interview with candy samples ! i remember seeing her in 1979, in a magazine, when i lived in san jose california, i never would have thought she was 51 at that time !

    • Chris · May 11, 2024 Reply

      Thats too funny dan.i remember doing the same thing.miss samples made a lot of young boys very happy!!

  23. Ron S · October 6, 2019 Reply

    Another thoughtful and sensitive work. It was a tough call but you did the right thing making this a podcast. It was great to find out some facts about her career and age– mostly from you, and your diligent Chandleresque research– but to hear such a wonderful person just before she died made it all real.
    Even if she couldn’t remember past details like names, even of those close to her, she did have vivid emotions of past events, how it made her feel. Talked with an acquaintance who has parents with Alzheimers and does fundraising for a cure; it seems this is common with the disease.
    Bravo to you and Ashley. RR does work that really transcends the simple subject matter.

  24. Pablo in Maryland · October 6, 2019 Reply

    This was a truly outstanding podcast in an always-great series.

    The Rialto Report has achieved something I’ve never seen before: presentations of pornographic subject matter that aren’t the least bit exploitative.

  25. Jeffrey · October 8, 2019 Reply

    Thanks for the interview of a classy Lady.RIP Candy!

  26. Gino · October 12, 2019 Reply

    Rest in peace beutiful.

  27. Splooge Gainsbourg · October 16, 2019 Reply

    Candy had a very famous acquaintance you should know about: the late theoretical physicist Dr. Richard Feynman, a Nobel prize laureate. (cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Feynman). According to the popular science magazine “Seed” (cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seed_(magazine)) – quite an appropriate serial title in this context – their familiarity was obvious to all who visited Professor Feynman’s office at Cal Tech:

    “The most shameless cad of the group [of theoretical physicists of the 20th century] was Richard Feynman… He even kept a picture in his office of one acquaintance, buxom adult film star Candi Samples, signed, ‘To Big Dick, Love from Candi.'” (sic.) (cf. https://www.seedmagazine.com/content/article/getting_physical/ )

    The subject of multiple popular biographies, Feynman is widely regarded as one of the greatest American theoretical physicists in history. A theorem in his first published professional paper, part of his undergraduate thesis work, was still of vital use to me over four decades later, as I wrote my doctoral thesis in solid state physics. (cf. https://books.google.com/books?id=WsdL41-NfV8C&dq=editions%3A6JpgSFDzoGkC&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=%22Feynman%27s+theorem%22 )

  28. Michael · October 16, 2019 Reply

    April, so sorry to hear that Candy recently passed away. Such a beautiful lady inside and out! (I still have pictures of her from late seventies during my teen years.) After listening to your wonderful interview with her, I’m even more sorry that I never had the pleasure of meeting her for an autograph to witness her charm and beauty. I’m also heartbroken at the way most of the men in her life mistreated her. I will never forget her or her special beauty on my way to manhood! God be with you Candy, now and forever.

    Great interview April, Thank you.

  29. Gino · October 22, 2019 Reply

    A gorgeous woman who I adored as a young man. She was, and always will be, the woman of my dreams. May she rest in peace.

  30. Cyberdolphnow · October 24, 2019 Reply

    I so remember her from JUGGS magazine which was a raunchy tome to female mammary glands
    Incredible to think that Ms. Samples’ adult career started around the time she was 40 years old back in the late 1960s era of the baby boomers’ worshipping at the altar of youth. As others have written she was a GILF decades before the creation of the terminology. You could tell that she was already mature, not just made up to look older, by subtle but truthful hints such as crows feet around her eyes yet she wasn’t undergoing plastic surgery to escape aging. When she embraced her later 1980s blond wavy hair wig style it was inconguent with her prior hair looks but she could be forgiven this given her lack of plastic surgery and need to maintain touring the clubs into her 50s.
    Rest in Peace Candy Samples

  31. Angelo L Morales · October 27, 2019 Reply

    Thank you our precious Candy for your smiles on the screen, you will be missed. rest in peace.

  32. Barry · June 5, 2020 Reply

    Candy Samples was always my favorite. May she RIP.

  33. Bruno · June 15, 2020 Reply

    I have a particularly sensitive relationship with Candy. I remember the day I saw her for the first time. I was walking in Paris in the early 80s with my aunt. I must have been about 7 or 8 yeard old and I was a little sad that day. We passed a cinema which was to offer films for adults. I looked at the photos in the window and saw this splendid woman. Without really understanding of course at my age, her pretty smile, her beautiful look, her generous and comforting shapes …. this first meeting with Candy made me smile …. and fed my fantasies even today and for a long time. Thank you Candy. With all my love…

  34. Raphael Reine · August 20, 2020 Reply

    Candy Samples was and is a legend! Have always been a bit fan of hers! Thank you Rialto Report for doing this interview and obituary on this lovely, lovely, lady! She will be missed!

  35. Manny · August 22, 2020 Reply

    She was thebest Porn Star ever to me and loved loking at her

  36. Big timmy · August 24, 2020 Reply

    Made me cry.one of the best interviews ever april great job.i met her long long time ago early 80s i was a big strong handsome muscle guy i was very young.so candy danced then we gotten to take pics with her.me and her gotten along so great she was so funny laughing we were telling jokes her eyes were amazing her heart was bigger then any of us.i mean her boobs over my head around my head on me.huge but it was way more.i asked her staright out she new because i told her i never drank smoked chew drugs nothing i no that honey.and she never did.i ask her maybe i should get in that bussines she said no not you.your some thing special.we hugged she kissed me on the cheek.i walked out side looked at the sky said thank you lord.she was laughing giggling funny very very nice sweet like she was my mom.now i am way older i listen to her the great job april did amazing apirl.if i would of walked in candy would of said oh wow.but makes me pissed off the most she worked hard in her life and these minnow punk guys stold all of her money merchandise over over again.but candy just shrugged it off because our lord dont care about money root of all evil.cares about you your heart helping people caring for people.she needed a guy like me around kick them guys butt.took advantage of this sweet lady.did you listen what she says never drank smoked drugs nothing not many people can say that.she did her job went home took care of her son.way back it was like 5 bucks to see her i gave her big tip like 100 bucks back then 1980.she told me you dont have to do that she looked right in my eyes.i said you need it more then me.she told me i like this guy.i was way bigger then any one there.tall tan big strong muscles smart.i was the last guy there taking pics with her i told ever one she one sweet nice kind loven careing great lady treat her nice take good care of her. Hugs candy your one great lady i no the lord will treat you great.thank you apirl great interview she a hall of famer legend.but warm big heart funny loves to have fun.she lived along time 91 i am only 60 wow thats amazing.back in the old days no movies just magazines then reel to reel vhs tapes then dvd now no magazines.times changed but nobody ever like candy how nice sweet kind loven funny can talk to her take pics with her look at that towards the last of her life a fan helped her out he new this folks were robbing her blind.but i dont no non of the folks now days but nobody like candy hugs.

    • April Hall · August 26, 2020 Reply

      Thank you so, so much Timmy for your memories and for your extremely kind words. Candy certainly was one of a kind.

  37. Patrick · September 17, 2020 Reply

    Candy was my fantasy woman! Saw her perform live in SF, and photos afterward. Big THRILL for me!

    Please pass my regards to her last caretaker.

  38. G E · September 23, 2020 Reply

    I remember seeing Flesh Gordon at a movie theatre in Australia. Candy looked like a Goddess. Then another movie where she had a very small part. The main character was in bed with a woman in a cabin on a boat. They were both hidden under the covers. The woman appears from under the covers and it is Candy topless. The impression that made when I was 23 or 24 years old lasted a long time.
    I was already in the process of emigrating to the USA and had no idea that I would meet Candy and have an intimate relationship with her about 7 years later. I lived in Malibu and she lived in Playa Del Rey. She was kind, loving, funny and I would say with some naivety in the most innocent way. She was not hardened or callous in any way, which is what some may perceive because of that industry. It was very sad that we could not continue our relationship. I managed an estate for a motion picture company owner, as well as personal protection to him. Keeping my relationship with Candy personal and separate to my employment was difficult. Especially as I resided in one of the homes on the estate. Candy only visited me there once. She drove a red Mercedes with tags that read, BUSTY 1…. I always went to her condo.
    It got to the point where I had to choose to quit my job and live with Candy or continue with my highly paid job. I know it greatly hurt both of us. I could not just travel with Candy and have her support me which is what she wanted to do.
    It’s horrible that other men took advantage of her in this regard…
    RIP in peace sweet Candy…

  39. Tomas · January 1, 2021 Reply

    Just heard of Candy Samples passing. I am heart broken and saddened. She was an icon that will be greatly missed. No woman will ever be able to fill her bra or shoes. RIP Candy

  40. Larry Hibbs · January 3, 2021 Reply

    My God. I just learned of Candy’s passing while doing a search. 91? Wow. I knew she was older than most in the industry, but her prime was in her 50’s and 60’s, and DAMN was she incredible. I still have a framed photo of her on my wall. She is my all time favorite. No one compares.

    • Felix · March 20, 2021 Reply

      So many fine tributes. I’ll add a little. It cannot be too strongly stated that Candy’s melons were so far beyond beautiful. She left the world in her wake. She knew that she gave great joy to men; she enjoyed doing so. She took great pride in her breasts, a personal trait which I found to be wonderful and admirable. It would have been a tragic loss otherwise. She knew her magical effect on men. She did it with twinkle in her eyes, a smile on her face, and a deep hypnotizing cleavage between her spectacular juggs. There is nothing, and has been nothing, on the face of the earth as gorgeous as Candy’s tits. Period. Full stop.


  41. Robert Buddha Vukson · February 9, 2021 Reply

    I was so lucky to find The Rialto Report . I listened to the Candy Samples podcast and was so pleased to catch up with her story and so sorry to hear of her passing. I have had a crush on her for years and loved her movies. I was very lucky to catch her live act around 1987-88 at the Park Theater in Lincoln Park, MI with a few high school buddies. She was so hot and sexy in person. I was lucky to get a kiss from her and her autographed photo. I have lost track of my autographed photo and really bummed to this day. R.I.P. Candy and thank you!!!!!

  42. Gary Wells · February 12, 2021 Reply

    I first discovered Candy Samples in her many photo spreads in Juggs Magazine and her hot, sexy stories she published in Juggs. When her movie “All the Way In” came out, I immediately purchased the VHS Video and watched it a gazillian times over the years. She seemed to become more beautiful the older she got. When I first became a fan she was already in her late 40’s and a drop dead gorgeous porn goddess with the most beautiful perfect big boobs in the world. I met her in person when I was hanging out with Cassandra Peterson (Elvira) and Candy Samples did a Halloween promotional event with Elvira for a Rock Radio Station. I still have a color photo of Candy & Elvira comparing boobs on stage somewhere. I am very sad to hear that Candy passed away last September. She was a very sweet, classy lady.

  43. Jose Balli · April 23, 2021 Reply

    I always remember her as a caring good person she was a sweet lady you will be miss.

  44. Erich · April 26, 2021 Reply

    Sadly, I never got to meet Candy in person and sure wish that it could have been otherwise!! I have been a fan of hers for a really long time to now, and even though I only saw recently that she had passed away back in 2,019 it was both shocking and sad to find out!! She was very hot and also a total knockout no matter how much older she got!! I do have a signed photo of her which was personalized to me, although I have no recollection of having written to her curiously! I will definitely miss her, but also am glad that so many others are remembering her!! She was unique and also one of a kind!!

  45. hector tirado · May 23, 2021 Reply

    its 5/23/2021 and just found our candy passed. I was a kid when I found out about her and after kept collecting her movies and magazines. May she rest in Peace

  46. Keith M · June 16, 2021 Reply

    I met her in 1980. She was the Special Guest of the club I worked at. I had just finished college and was now in the Navy. We started talking. I was so amazed at her. We talked about Physics and a new Cyclotron. Space exploration in the future and much more. She had a wonderful mind. She was so very bright. She was a delight. She posed some thoughtful questions on some complicated science issues. She will be remembered. For me it was one of the most interesting nights of my life. May she rest in Peace.

  47. Macaroni · August 7, 2021 Reply

    This interview brought tears to my eyes. I admire this woman since I was 10 or something. She was truly larger than life in every aspect, her smile, her bubbly and super warm character and personality. She didn’t need her breasts to be sexy, although that was a huge bonus, especially at a time when most women thought that having big breasts is a bad thing. But she truly had it in her, she knew she gave pleasure to everyone and she loved it.
    April thank you for this great documentation and mostly for treating her with respect.
    R.I.P. Candy, you will never be forgotten!

  48. ulisses pereira · September 7, 2021 Reply

    Do you believe that only today I found out about Candy’s death! But that she was pure fire, oh, that she was!

  49. Amos · October 3, 2021 Reply

    I began making marijuana seeds a few years ago. I named one of the first strains Candy Samples. It’s very hard to find these days, but I still have an original pack.

  50. jimm · June 28, 2022 Reply

    what turned me on most about Candy was the wrestling videos she did. U could see in some of the videos she was competitive and trying to win. And in some of the videos u could see how strong she was. IN one video she lifted the woman she was wrestling like a sack of potatoes hip high and just bounced he up and down. U had to be very very strong to do something like that. I had to find out more about her wrestling and how strong she was. In the late 80’s at the end of her career she was dancing at a club in Philly on Market Street next to the club was a hotel it turned out she was staying at that week. I went to her last night show and made sure i was the last in line for a personal pic. I think it was either $10 or $20. I remember giving her a $10 tip on top of the cost of the pic. I started to talk to her about her wrestling and to my surprise she loved to talk about it. She was really into wrestling. I asked her if she ever wrestled a guy and she said not on video but she did. I asked her if she would wrestle me in her room. To my amazement she said yes but you probably cant afford it. I said how much and she said $500 for 30 minutes. Now that was a lot of money in those days but I knew this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I didnt have that much money on me and said I would be back the next night same time. I show up the next night and she is amazed that I did and had the money. She said U are going also have to pay the bouncer at the club $20 he will stand outside the room when we wrestle. I wont get into the specifics of us wrestling but she wore a bra and panties. Now I am about 6 foot and at the time weighed around 170lbs and she threw me around the room like a rag doll, I heard she was this sweet woman but that all changed. I was looking for a friendly roll around and she was hell bent on just beating me as fast she could. Within a few minutes she was on top on me my arms under her legs and I could not get up. She wanted to end it there but I said we never agreed to who pinned who or how fast so I wanted the rest of my time. This pissed her off to no end and for the rest of the time she just worked me over with one painful hold after another. I knew nothing about wrestling and while she was no pro she knew her share of holds. Several times she got me into a headlock and squeezed my head into her chest. I remember grabbing her bicep try to break the hold and they were rock hard. She also knew how to head scissor and waist scissor. When she got me in these holds it was unbearable. She laughed at me as I said I could not take any more and begged her to ease up, which she only did after several minutes of real pain on my part. At one point I though she would break my ribs that is how strong her legs were. As she was squeezing me she said you will never find legs as strong as mine, that is from years of dancing. Well I got my full 30 minutes that night and enough humiliation for a life time. A woman more then half my age, 8 inches shorter and at least 30lbs less, worked me over with ease and physically had her way with me. To this day I still could not believe how strong and tough she was. She may have been a really sweet woman but that night she was one tough mean woman that taught me a lesson. Years later when she was writing for Juggs I wrote to her about it and she remembered me. She replied and had a good laugh in her letter telling me she really enjoyed beating me that night and how sorry she was that I never came back again when she was at the club for another match. She actually said in the letter that it was the easiest $500 she ever made. So for $500 I got whipped my a woman but I can always say it wasn’t just any woman but Candy Samples.

    • Dennis · July 13, 2022 Reply

      Great insight. You have to tip your cap to her. Candy apparently made a pretty fair amount of money well into her 50s performing on stage, a few full length films, many modeling pics, and so on. In the 1980’s she squeezed a lot of hard work into a nice living. From the info gleaned here and elsewhere, that creep, Romano, did his best to siphon off her hard earned fame and fortune for himself. But no one can deny her effect on men.

  51. RANDOLPH P VEALE · July 30, 2022 Reply

    I Love love, Love that interview

  52. Japan · September 12, 2022 Reply

    My condolences to candy and her family. I remember when she cane here to Philadelphia at the gentlemen’s club. I enjoyed her movies. She will be missed.

    • Bruce L Hall · September 18, 2022 Reply

      Thanks, I enjoyed the interview. For some reason she has always been my favorite. It’s nice to know that she enjoyed a long happy life!

  53. Blue · February 22, 2023 Reply

    I have been restoring a lot of her older movies with AI software. I am still looking for a few of her lost films. They are out there but where to find them?

  54. MISTYK the DJ · April 28, 2023 Reply

    April – what an emotional interview! Kudos to you for handling that with Grace, dignity, and compassion for this woman. There is no doubt you made her feel special before she left this earth.
    Also, nice touch with Lou Reed towards the end!
    Again- Bravo!


  55. Noir Hawk · July 14, 2023 Reply

    By my count, Candy Samples appeared in five separate movies/loops with John Holmes and they “never” had vaginal sex, why? I posed this question on another web site and someone replied that Candy probably didn’t feel like it??? They were both professionals and were paid to have sex. I don’t think “didn’t feel like it” is accurate.

    Anybody know the real reason why?


    • Cara Uma Mel · July 21, 2023 Reply

      there was a point in time when porn movies could not show insertion and oral so it had to be faked! You will clearly see this in a few of John and Candy scenes…. And yes it is totally accurate about Candy, “She just did not feel like doing it”. Although she did have some on screen sex with her husband/manager for a short period of time.

    • Cara Uma mel · July 21, 2023 Reply

      There was a point in time in adult content in the 70s where they could not show insertion or oral at all on film, and you will see this in a couple of John and Candy films. And yes I do believe it is also totally true, that Candy just did not want to fully do it on screen, with the exception of her and her husband in the 80s.

  56. Cody G · October 12, 2023 Reply

    Have the older comments been deleted here. I left one a couple of years ago or so when Candy passed. Just was having a Candy flashback……wondering and came by here to view other folks’ thoughts.

  57. Jim M · June 13, 2024 Reply

    Ive told this story before and few believed me but it really happen. I was a huge fan of Candy especially her wrestling and catfighting especially for Triumph Studios. The match with Ushi which is a classic but others like Grace Bauer and Dawn Carrera. In each catfight video Candy not only wins but pinned the women with ease. I always wondered just how real these videos were and was Candy that strong? One night I found out. I was about 22, over 6 feet tall, 180lbs and athletic. I will never forget, it was in the early 80s and Candy was near the end of her feature career and was dancing at a strip club on Market Street in downtown Philly. I went to the 8PM show and after as Candy offered signed autographs for $20, I positioned myself at the back of the line. When I get to Candy, I immediately started to talk about her wrestling and just how real it was. She said u want to find out how real it is I have a room at the Holiday Inn next store, for $500 I will wrestle you, but my companion has to stay outside the room. Now what 22-year-old walks around with $500. I said I will have to come back tomorrow night. She said come to my last show at 11 and then we can go over and wrestle and I will show you just how real my wrestling is.
    The next night I showed up at 11 with $500 cash and met Candy at the end of her signings. She laughed and said I didn’t think you had the guts to show up let’s go next door. I really didn’t know what to think and with the guy outside we moved some things around and looked at each other. I said look I am a lot bigger than you and half ur age I don’t want to hurt u. The look on her face I will never forget I could see that I really angered her, and she was really pissed, she said its u that is going to get hurt and she tore into me. I mean she had holds I could not imagine but what I will never forget about her was how freakishly strong she was for a woman her size and age. I tried with all my strength to get out of her holds and could not. Several times she made me say uncle, Yep, not I give but she actually made me say uncle, she basically was humiliating me. She really had her way with me and ended by getting me in a waist scissors with her legs around my waist. I thought she was going to break my ribs and I practically begged her to let me go. She said I have been dancing for years and have the strongest legs around. I’ve heard and read what a sweet person she was but not with me. She was calculating mean and tough. She told she that she sized me up at the club and knew that she would have no problem beating me wrestling. The session only lasted 4-5 minutes and I had more than enough. As I got myself together, I will never forget she walked right up to me pushing her chest into me and said next time don’t underestimate a woman and you wont get hurt. She opened the door and said to the guy he’s done, he was nothing, this was easy money and laughed and closed the door. I thought to myself shes done this before to other guys! To this day I can still remember everything about that night like it was yesterday, but this was a side of Candy for over 50 years I never saw anyone talk about. She is still revered with catfight fans as one of the toughest women catfight wrestlers ever.

  58. mark · June 13, 2024 Reply

    I also never saw much of a mention from the woman that interviewed Candy about her wrestling. I am sure it must have come up in the interview. What specifically did Candy say about the wrestling videos? If they were not real how was it that Candy won every match? I am aware of at least 6 wrestling matches she had and she won them all. If they were fake wouldn’t the video company let the other women win every now and then?

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