Penny Antine: From Writer to Photographer - The Rialto Report

Penny Antine: From Writer to Photographer

Penny Antine: From Writer to Photographer

In our recent Rialto Report interview with Raven Touchstone – aka Penny Antine – Penny spoke about finding beauty on the sets of the adult films she penned. As a result, she was inspired to take up photography.

In this Rialto Report, Penny shares a selection of some of her favorite on-set photographs, include the image above of Kaitlyn Ashley and Sindee Cox. Whether presenting performers in the throes of passion, taking a cigarette break, or waiting for the director to yell “action”, all photos represent candid moments.

As Penny said to us: “I love to share with others the moments that caught my eye over the years. I feel privileged to have been there with camera in hand week after month after year, and then to experience in my darkroom the thrill when the contact prints developed and one shot would jump out at me and I’d gasp — “Look at THAT!” — and another shot, another gasp. The photos selected here…these are my gasps.”

The photographs below are just a few of the hundreds Penny took over many years. Penny plans to publish some of them in a book in the near future. Interested publishers, or anyone who would like to purchase a professional print, can email Penny directly.

All photographs on this page belong to Penny Antine.


Penny Antine Photography


rr_apriladamsmelissahillheadshotsMelissa Hill and April Adams



rr_asiacarreracinesexAsia Carrera in ‘Cinesex’ (1994)



rr_asiacarreracinesex2Asia Carrera in ‘Cinesex’ (1994)



rr_asiacarrerasatyrAsia Carrera in ‘Satyr’ (1998)



rr_blaisedarlingburnBlaise and Darling in Burn’ (2008)



rr_bridgetthemidgetbrigetshellionsBridget the Midget in ‘Bridgette’s Hellions’ (2001)



rr_buckadamseclipseBuck Adams in ‘Eclipse’ (1993)



SekaSeka in American Garter’ (1994)



rr_buckadamsnikkisinneclipseBuck Adams and Nikki Sinn in ‘Eclipse’ (1993)



rr_cameronherschelthecontortionistCameron Caine and Herschel Savage in The Contortionist’ (2003)



rr_debidiamondinshameDebi Diamond in ‘Shame’ (1994)



rr_gingerlynninnocenttabooGinger Lynn



rr_jeannafinebabylonJeanna Fine in Babylon’ (1998)



rr_jeannafineskinhungerJeanna Fine in ‘Skin Hunger’ (1995)



rr_jennajamesonjeannafinebluemovieJenna Jameson and Jeanna Fine in ‘Blue Movie’ (1995)



rr_jennajamesonsatyrJenna Jameson in ‘Satyr’ (1998)



rr_jessicadrakelolatrailertrashnursesJessica Drake and Lola in ‘Trailer Trash Nurses’ (2006)



rr_joellawrencesyrenJoel Lawrence and Syren



Joel Lawrence and Syren



rr_jondoughclimax2000Jon Dough in Climax 2000′ (1994)



rr_kaitlynashleycinesexKaitlyn Ashley in Cinesex 2′ (1994)



rr_kaitylyashleyrazorsedgeonazeeprodKaitlyn Ashley in Razor’s Edge’ (1995)



rr_katiegoldscenesfromabarKatie Gold in Scenes From A Bar’ (1998)



rr_laurenphoenixmrmarcusburnLauren Phoenix and Mr. Marcus in Burn’ (2008)



rr_leslieboothshameLeslie Booth in ‘Shame’ (1994)



rr_mistyrainbillyglidethingschange3Misty Rain and Billy Glide in ‘Things Change 3’ (1999)



rr_moniquedemoanstardustseriesMonique DeMoan



rr_rachellovegoingdownRachel Love in Foreign Tongues: Going Down’ (1995)



rr_ronandjasonsullivanRon Sullivan with son Jason



rr_ronjeremyRon Jeremy



rr_ronsullivanshawnrickstrianglesRon Sullivan with Shawn Ricks



rr_shame‘Shame’ (1994)



rr_stephanieswifttheexhibitionistStephanie Swift in ‘The Exhibitionist’ (1999)



rr_stevenstcroixbluemovieSteven St. Croix in ‘Blue Movie’ (1995)



rr_tammiannnudiesTammi Ann



rr_tonytedeschiTony Tedeschi



rr_tonytedeschilaylajadethecontortionistTony Tedeschi and Layla Jade in The Contortionist’ (2003)




























  • Posted On: 23rd October 2016
  • By: Ashley West
  • Under: Photos


  1. Dan Cheever · October 23, 2016 Reply

    I’ve been buying photographic portrayals of the adult film industry for many years and these are hands-down the best photos I’ve seen. The composition and humanity her is exceptional, and deserves a wide audience.

  2. HG · October 23, 2016 Reply

    YESS!!!! After last week’s quite brilliant insight into the craft of Raven Touchstone, I was hoping we may get to see some of the pictures that she referred to…….. and The Rialto Report obliges.

    Amazing work! They belong in a gallery. Great work!

  3. Anon · October 23, 2016 Reply

    I thought I’d seen every picture of Ginger Lynn – but as a clown smoking….!>>>??
    Where is this from?>?

    Love the pics, Penny!

  4. Philip Castor · October 23, 2016 Reply

    Amazing photographs! Very intimate and capturing a very special moment in time. I sincerely hope Penny gets a book deal because I would love to see her other photos in a magnificent hardcover coffee table book!

  5. Jim · October 23, 2016 Reply

    Penny certainly has an eye for photography. Some exceptional shots here.

    Several standout stars from the 90s in these photos.

    Kaitlyn Ashley was something special. She had a vulnerability to her, a realness that you couldn’t not notice her. Just so likeable. She just gave her all in every performance. And the pic was Sindee and her, is very real as they were lovers. Perfect pic to lead with.

    Nikki Sinn was a very good actress when she was given a chance. She had such a sexy and seductive voice, and way about her when she wanted. She also seemed to have a lot going for her under the surface.

    Asia Carrera is just gorgeous, smart and one of a kind.

    Jeanna Fine and Debi Diamond? No need to say anything – their legend proceed them. Well, except podcast interviews with them, please?!

    Henri Pachard – what a loss to the porn industry and the fans of it when we lost him. Also to the others who passed, Jon Dough, Buck Adam and Shawn Ricks – RIP.

  6. J. Walter Puppybreath · October 23, 2016 Reply

    Thanks to the Ginger-clown, I’m not afraid of them any more.
    Great shots.

  7. Roy Karch · October 23, 2016 Reply

    An inside look..; just the beginning.

  8. Robert · October 24, 2016 Reply

    I too would love to know where the Ginger Lynn clown photo is from and if there is any more..

  9. Penny Antine · October 24, 2016 Reply


    Here’s a link to the info on the movie, an R-Rated film called ULTIMATE TABOO, co-produced in 1995 by P.T.’s company, Cinnamon and Playboy. It aired on Playboy and Cinemax, then went into Blockbuster for sale & rental. I didn’t work on this shoot but hung out for a day or two, shooting photos. Ginger played Shannon, a young woman who entertained at children’s parties as a clown. I do have other clown shots of her and also straight shots when she was Shannon.

  10. TD · October 24, 2016 Reply

    RIP Billy Glide, still wonder how he died? It would be very hard to get bitten by a rattlesnake and instead of seeking medical attention just blow it off and go home. It would be 100% fatal and the pain would be excruciating. There was something fishy about that story, forgot all about it until I saw his picture here.

  11. Alexander portillo · February 28, 2017 Reply

    Cannot seem to send an email here to Penny. Loved her collection at the recent Golden Age of Adult Cinema this past Sunday at the Cupcake Studio. Any other information on her collection for sale would be very much appreciated. Again, thank you for this amazing site! Cannot wait for another provocative podcast from you.

  12. Penny Antine · May 23, 2021 Reply

    The Ginger Lynn as clown shot is from Ultimate Taboo, 1994, an R rated film made by the partnership of Playboy and Paul Thomas’ company, Cinnamon, P.T. directing. I wrote the script and went to the shoot one day just to take photos. This was one of them.

  13. Craig Ellenwood · June 25, 2021 Reply

    Incredible photos of what must have been incredible times. I love the ones of Ginger Lynn, RJ in drag with the puppy, and Leslie Booth which looks like it could have come straight out of Dorthea Langes depression era works. Bookmarked so I can buy some one day.

  14. Andrew MReed · December 1, 2021 Reply

    Nice pix

  15. Penny Antne · October 26, 2023 Reply

    FYI – Penny Antine’s email is now: pantine@roadrunner.com

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