Sharon Mitchell Fundraiser: A Big Thank You

Sharon Mitchell Fundraiser: A Big Thank You

A month ago we launched our 2015 year-end fundraiser in conjunction with The Golden Age Appreciation Fund to provide assistance for former actress and healthcare advocate Sharon Mitchell.

Thanks to your generous support we raised $3,300 to help Sharon get back on her feet.

This brings the total money you contributed in 2015 to help golden age performers to over $10,000.

When we called Sharon to tell her about the success of the fundraiser, she was overwhelmed with gratitude and sent the message below.


Message from Sharon Mitchell

Happy New Year and thank you all so much for all of your contributions, both individually and collectively.  For those of you who know me, you know how difficult it is to ask for help.

This act of kindness truly warmed my heart and soul. I should have my motorcycle back this week, and be mobile once again.

My gratitude is without bounds, you have truly made this the Happiest New Year!

Much Love,

Dr. Mitch



We’d like to add our huge thanks to the following donors who contributed so generously.

1 Adam Johnson
2 Annie Sprinkle
3 Anonymous
4 Anonymous
5 Anthony Nesbitt
6 Anthony Nicoletti
7 Anthony Veilleux
8 April Hall
9 Ashley West
10 Benny Ellis Jr.
11 Brian Christgau
12 Burt Lum
13 Cathy Brown
14 Christopher J. O’Neill
15 Christopher Romano
16 Christopher Squassi
17 Constance Penley
18 Damian Pring
19 Dan Wheeler
20 Dann Lennard
21 David Beynon
22 David Munn
23 David Peller
24 David Tuszynski
25 Don Benn
26 English Teacher X
27 Erik D. Harshman
28 Ermanno Biot
29 Frank E. Fernandez
30 Gaye E. McNown
31 Georg Domkamp
32 Hudson Marquez
33 Jay Moyes
34 Jeanne Silver
35 Jens Boeckel
36 Jose Verschaffel
37 Joshua Kesler
38 Lori Stacy
39 Lou Rusconi
40 Mark & Miranda Murray
41 Mark Fuentes
42 Mark Savage
43 Michael Cavataio
44 Michael Stabile
45 Michael Stewart
46 Mitchell Hampton
47 Monty Davis Jr.
48 Paul M. Scrabo
49 Peter Pasquale
50 Rafael Godwin
51 Anonymous
52 Richard Pacheco
53 Richard Stegman Jr.
54 Richard Wenk
55 Robert Aven
56 Robert Dyer
57 Robert St. Mary
58 Robert Stoesen
59 Robin Bougie
60 Ryan Koetstra
61 S. J. A. Koorevaar
62 Sean Higgins
63 Shane Brown
64 Steve Elmer
65 Steve Messenger
66 T. Reilly
67 Terry Fenwick
68 Thomas Gross
69 Thomas Russo
70 Timothy Crawford
71 Timothy Stroup
72 William Adcock
73 William Burns
74 William Codington
75 William J. Laux
76 William Litzler
77 William Molloy

  • Posted On: 3rd January 2016
  • By: Ashley West
  • Under: Articles


  1. Patrick · January 3, 2016 Reply

    I have several posters for her to sign, so I’d love to get those to her, with some $$ and have her signature on them. If you can pass my info to her, I’d love to help out, plus get my posters signed.

  2. Jeff King · January 3, 2016 Reply

    Well done to all concerned. This is not only the best (the only..?) site for this subject with incredible reporting, but also the most (the only…?) generous site that actually tries to give back. And all with no advertising or charging structure… Great job Ashley, Mark and all!

  3. Brian Christgau · January 4, 2016 Reply

    We love ya Mitch! Ride safe!

  4. Rock Hard and Throbbing · November 9, 2017 Reply

    I love her even more after listening to Punk Rock Porn Star Podcast 34! She is up there with Wendy O. Williams in the punk rock princess pantheon. Be well and prosper S.M. \\ //

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