Carter Stevens: The Squad - The Rialto Report

Carter Stevens: A Porn Renaissance Man – Podcast 07 (reprise)

Carter Stevens: A Porn Renaissance Man – Podcast 07 (reprise)

Carter Stevens is back in the game! He recently announced his intention to make a comedy called ‘The Squad’. You can find out more details about his project – and learn how you can help raise the funds – here. Please give generously!

In the meantime, we’re re-posting our interview with Carter Stevens – one of The Rialto Report’s earliest podcasts.

This episode running time is 68 minutes.


From Carter’s Indiegogo site about ‘The Squad’:

“Carter Stevens, one of the most prevalent and beloved directors of the porno-chic era of American adult film making is BACK!

In the days when porno had budgets, stories and characters, Stevens was known for filling his 1970s productions with (and in some cases was even responsible for discovering) some of the most recognizable faces in XXX history! Performers like: Deep Throat’s Harry Reems, Cannibal Holocaust’s Robert Kerman, perv-king Jamie Gillis, juicy earth-goddess Annie Sprinkle, the exotic Miss Vanessa Del Rio, the stunning Serena and SO many more!

Carter Stevens

Add to that real scripts, plots, production values way above the norm, and budgets that would put Hollywood to shame, and the result was a Carter Stevens Production.

Stevens has also received the lifetime achievement award from the Free Speech Coalition, and many other industry accolades. Then, he doffed his cap to the world of smut, and hung up his assless chaps. But you can’t keep a good man from the Pocono Mountains down, and Stevens is back with something brand new for 2014 – not a hardcore porn movie – but an off-the-wall sex comedy called THE SQUAD!

Set in the offbeat, raunchy and colorful world of the late 1970s porn scene that Carter himself knows so well and helped to cultivate and create, THE SQUAD is a cross between Boogie Nights and Police Academy! The plot finds a small group of undercover Police Officers assigned to infiltrate the porn industry by making a porno film of their own!. Their plan works better than ever expected and THE SQUAD produces the most successful porn film in the history of the genre! Then the mayhem REALLY STARTS!”

Carter Stevens

  • Posted On: 10th August 2014
  • By: Ashley West
  • Under: Podcasts


  1. roy karch · August 11, 2014 Reply

    Now that’s a guy I would like to meet!
    Hello there, Carter.

  2. Mark · August 12, 2014 Reply

    i loved this interview. thanks again rialto report, and thanks to carter stevens, not only for all the wonderful films, but for the very open and entertaining interview. i think what he said about getting work as a director but not being able to because nobody wants to hire you since you’ve never made a movie before is still true.

    i also like what he said in the end: “are their regrets? of course. but i wouldn’t trade them. i lived in interesting times”

    you sure did carter

  3. Tubster · August 13, 2014 Reply

    Who could forget Carter as the overweight printer that has a torrid lovemaking session with Jennifer Welles. I wish Carter would have had a sex scene instead of his none sex role with the tasty Tiffany Clark in Wild Dallas Honey

  4. Dave beynon · August 14, 2014 Reply

    Another pioneer , hell I shall help get the squad off the ground. Great interview guys, who knew that Cs had a background in the nuts and bolts of legit film production. Makes me want to write something about a guy who shoots the screen tests of Hollywood starlets …

  5. Pete · August 18, 2014 Reply

    Just discovered this blog and really liking it! What an amazing interview with Carter Stevens, very candid, enlightening and real. And after listening to the interview with Robert Kerman, I’m hooked – thank you for doing a terrific job!

  6. Ed Wards · November 10, 2016 Reply

    I’m mid-way through this one.

    Next time you’re listening you’ll realize that Carter’s voice is the perfect blend of Alan Alda and Oscar the Grouch.

  7. Robert Helmer · April 6, 2017 Reply

    Great interview as always . Do you have a email address to ask questions for this site? To send in request ?

    • The Rialto Report · April 6, 2017 Reply

      Yes – please refer to the Contact Us link on this website.


  8. Robert Helmer · May 19, 2017 Reply

    Found the contact us link on my phone thanks . Lots of information here. Great web site. I will be contacting you guys. I know you most get many many request of people wanting to know what their favorite stars are doing now. What would be the latest book to buy to find must of our golden age stars and where to buy it?

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