Jeanne Silver: A Fundraiser

Jeanne Silver: A Fundraiser

Jeanne Silver is a Rialto Report favorite and her interview with us remains incredibly popular. She was a firm favorite in films and magazines from the moment she arrived in New York in the mid 1970s, appearing in movies such as The Violation of Claudia, Water Power, Desire for Men, and Every Man’s Fantasy.

We looked for Jeanne for almost 10 years before we finally found her. When we did connect, we were worried about her reaction, especially as we’d heard she had a young daughter she was trying to protect. But we found Jeanne to be one of the warmest, kind and open people we’ve ever met. Not only did she agree to share her story with us, but we’ve been lucky enough to become friends with Jeanne. Her daughter Irene even modeled our Rialto Report t-shirts that were available for a limited time.

Jeanne Silver has struggled financially for a time. We previously suggested a fundraiser, but she is fiercely independent and shies from help (even though she’s the first to give it). But recent circumstances have just become too much. Jeanne requires major dental work and faces spinal surgery in the coming months, all without sufficient health insurance. She’s in significant pain but refuses to take drugs even though she feels she may be on the cusp of depression.

In addition to her health issues, Jeanne’s car is no longer operational. Because she lives in a location without adequate public transportation, this means Jeanne is struggling to work. And did we mention what that work is? Jeanne has dedicated her later life to assisting the elderly, helping them with tasks like shopping and doctors’ appointments and house cleaning. And perhaps just as important, Jeanne spends time in conversation with those she helps and listens to their stories – offering them companionship many no longer get. This work includes helping her own mother who Jeanne supplies with groceries from the limited money she earns.

To top this all off, Jeanne is being evicted from her home right as the holidays roll around. With little time and few resources, Jeanne needs to find a new place to live for herself and the adopted pets she cares for and loves dearly.

So, we finally convinced Jeanne to let us and her generous fans help her. When we pushed the topic, Jeanne answered “I hate asking but I’m in a pit and can’t dig myself out on my own this time. I want to be that happy person that I know is buried under this mess. I miss me.”

Please show Jeanne how much she is loved and appreciated. As you know we do not accept advertising on The Rialto Report and never charge for the original content we offer every week. We’ve had many people ask us how they can thank us for the work we do – these fundraisers are the answer. In conjunction with The Golden Age Appreciation Fund, we’ve raised almost $20,000 for people like Sharon Mitchell, Kay Parker, Tom Byron and George Payne – all because of your generosity.

No amount is too small – but as an extra incentive, every donation $40 and above will receive a personalized signed photo from Jeanne. And the donor who gives the most by the end of the fundraiser will receive a signed prosthetic leg previously worn by Jeanne. It’s hard to imagine a better conversation piece in your home!

This fundraiser will remain open until Friday December 1st but please don’t wait. Show your appreciation for Jeanne right now using the Donate link below.

And thank you as always for your generosity. We are so grateful for your willingness to help.


Jeanne Silver fundraiser

Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


Jeanne Silver


  • Posted On: 12th November 2017
  • By: Ashley West
  • Under: Articles · Photos


  1. Biff · November 12, 2017 Reply

    As one who has wanted to send money to keep this exceptional resource / treasure going, thanks for the outlet to be able to send some assistance. Jean was / is a favorite and a VERY deserving cause.

  2. John Helwig · November 12, 2017 Reply

    I am constantly amazed at how you keep original – unpublished – compelling – historical – fascinating content week-after-week with no advertising or paywall. Other blogs post once a month at best, and you just keep it coming………..

    So, please *keep* it coming!

    • The Rialto Report · November 13, 2017 Reply

      Thank you John – donations to fundraisers like this is all we ask of those who can give.

  3. Anon Guy · November 12, 2017 Reply

    Jean has one of the biggest hearts of anyone. I am FB friends and can attest to her kindness of spirit. This is an IMPORTANT fundraiser!

    I’m donating now.

  4. Carter Stevens · November 12, 2017 Reply

    There are many early porn pioneers (or as I call us, porn dinosaurs) who live hand to mouth every day. Often living in fear of that one (sometimes small) emergency expense that will push us over the edge to homelessness. Among us all there is no one, NO ONE sweeter with a bigger heart or more deserving of a helping hand than Jeannie. If you are a fan of the Rialto Report you are obviously a fan of porn dinosaurs work so please dig in and help this sweet lady. Thanks Carter Stevens

  5. Don · November 12, 2017 Reply

    Thank you for letting us know and that we can help, I have made a donation which I hope will help in some way.

    Best of luck from Australia

  6. Jose verschaffel · November 12, 2017 Reply

    Will do what I can for a dear friend

  7. Shawn Porter · November 12, 2017 Reply

    Thanks so much for doing this for Jeanne!

  8. Peter · November 13, 2017 Reply

    Donated, hope it helps!

  9. Annette Heinz · November 13, 2017 Reply

    We were exceptionally close, even roommates. She has needed help for a long time. It all has become too much. Please help if you can. I love this woman!

  10. Chris Flash · November 13, 2017 Reply

    My first exposure to Jeanne Silver was as a teenager in the 1970s. I was initially taken aback by her missing leg but quickly realized the beauty of her free spirit. She was a total turn-on!

    It is truly wonderful that Jeanne does so much for others and equally wonderful that we, her fans and admirers, can do something for her in her time of need.

    [I cannot donate on-line, but I will send mine directly to Ashley West].

    Much love to you, Jeanne!!

    Chris Flash
    SHADOW Press

  11. Herbie Herbsen · November 15, 2017 Reply

    Wow! She is so hot. A little before my time but I am excited to learn more about her. I’m too broke to pay attention or I would help out. There should be some pension or relief fund for veteran porn stars.
    Today’s overrated untalented entertainers make the big bucks while the legends of erotic entertainment struggle.

  12. Gary Sanford · November 24, 2017 Reply

    Love you J

  13. Maximillian Lobkowicz aka Mickey Leblovic · December 2, 2017 Reply

    Just found this. How can I get in touch with her? That beautiful leg got me a little prison time. We were all arrested by the Rhode Island State Police many years ago when we were working on Annie Sprinkle’s Hot Shit Magazine, in Jamestown, RI. I was arrested for 72 counts of obscenity which included stump fucking, Long Jean fucking Annie Sprinkle plus 71 other infractions LOL. At the time I was publishing Love Magazine.

  14. Lucas BALBO · December 22, 2017 Reply

    Hope the fundraiser is a success. Can you keep us up to date?
    Greetings from Paris, France…

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